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Our Story

A couple of hours.

That's how far away from our home in the Washington, DC metro area we planned to move. We had no idea just how far that goal would take us.

It had been a rough year for many of us living near the nation's capital. The presidential campaign was vicious; the election results were...surprising. All of that national political news you read and roll your eyes at from the comfort of your home in L.A. or Liverpool? Well, that was our local news -- day in and day out, often affecting people we knew and cared about. It had become...exhausting.

We were tired of life IN the Beltway and ON the Beltway, as we spent hours every day sitting in traffic to get to work and back. Life felt like a hamster wheel, always running, always moving, picking someone up, dropping someone off, saying goodbye, saying hello, saying goodnight -- and doing it all again the next day.

We were over it, plain and simple.

So we decided to move -- just a few hours away, a nice farmhouse in a quiet town. Someplace we could paddle our canoe and raise a goat.

Well, you know what they say about best-laid plans....

Read more of our story: From DC to NZ: How did we get here?

Our last visit to the Washington Monument in
Washington, DC.

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