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Takapuna: Our new favorite spot in Auckland

Go on, say it out loud: Ta-ka-pu-na.

Fun, isn't it?!

Seems like the kind of thing you would say to someone lamenting a bad day or dealing with a serious case of the Mondays. The kinda phrase turned into a song by the sidekick in a Disney movie.

"Takapuna, man!"

What the Maori name actually refers to is a freshwater spring that once flowed into this region on Auckland's north shore. Located on the isthmus of a peninsula, the community is surrounded by water: Waitemata Harbour to the east, Shoal Bay to the southwest and Hauraki Gulf, which connects to the Pacific Ocean, to the northeast. There's even a heart-shaped lake in a volcanic crater at the north end.

It's a beautiful place with a laid-back vibe that can only be described as cool.

Streets lined with cafes, restaurants, op shops (the Goodwill equivalent) and boutiques front a gorgeous, sandy beach with prime views of Rangitoto Island. Hammocks hang in the trees, open to public use. And a giant, crazy playground attracts a giant, crazy number of kids on the weekend.

It's awesome. And definitely our new favorite spot in Auckland.

We spent both days last weekend exploring the town. We spent time on the beach, played at the playground, hiked on the "lava trail" that heads north from the beach to another town called Milford. We shopped at the op shops, bought handmade lollipops at The Old Lolly Shop and scarfed down an American-style pepperoni pizza. It felt like a vacation -- and it only took 20 minutes to get there.

I think we will be spending a lot of time in Takapuna as the days heat up and summer finally arrives in the southern hemisphere. And I think that sounds just fine to me.

"Takapuna, man!"

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