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Another day, another beach: Summer in NZ

It's the last day of school for the kiddos here, and we're all excited about the break ahead. Granted, it's only been 6 months since our last summer vacation, but, in my opinion, you can never have too much sun. :)

Summer break in New Zealand means two things: Christmas and the beach. The country as a whole -- and Auckland in particular -- is spoiled for beaches, and we've documented a bunch of them here on the blog.

St. Heliers Bay



Goat Island/Anchor Bay



Since we arrived in July, we've been visiting new beaches pretty much every weekend, and there are still so many for us to check out.

I'm learning from my Kiwi friends that you go to different beaches for different reasons. Swimming with the kids? That's probably a Takapuna, Cheltenham or Mission Bay kind of day. Hosting a barbecue for your family and friends? Definitely a Cornwallis Beach trip. Taking the dog with you? St. Heliers has got you covered. Up for a surfing session? That's West Coast, baby -- Piha, Muriwai, Bethells. Want to surf some waves AND sled some dunes? Head north to Mangawhai Heads.

You see what I'm getting at. Within an hour of us (still a lifetime for the kids), there are beaches that fit every type of surf-and-sand-and-sun desire -- except those of crazy folks who aren't "beach people." I have met a few of them here!

Last weekend, we checked out a beach that will probably rank high on the to-do list for summer. Cheltenham in Devonport is a total charmer, with fairly calm surf, spot-on sandcastle sand and amazing views for Mom (Rangitoto, kite surfers) and Dad (babes in bikinis ;). A short ride from the beach takes you to a quaint little downtown area with shops and cafes, restaurants and a nice waterfront playground. (Oh, and a Subway restaurant. That's very important in this family!) And the main street through town leads right up the side of Mount Victoria, an inactive volcano.

We drove to the top of Victoria (we were being lazy that day) and were awed by the fantastic views of the city and the sea. I mean, take a look:

And check out some scenes from Cheltenham Beach in the video below.

Since it's the last day of school and I'm feeling a bit reflective, I'm also going to use this post to brag a little bit about my kiddos. As you know, they've experienced an incredible amount of change in the last six months and they've done so well with it. Both of them have THRIVED at their new school, and I couldn't be more proud/happy/grateful to have these two amazing little people in my lives (most days ;)

Last week, they brought home their school reports, confirming they're hardworking students right on track for their age and a little ahead of the game in some areas. (Of course, I always knew this :) But what made me most proud were these comments from their teachers:

"[The Adorable Girl] has a wonderful attitude towards learning and is a role model to her peers. Although quiet she enjoys contributing in class discussions by offering her opinions, which shows great listening skills. [The girl] consistently tries her best in all aspects of school life, and the excellent progress she has made reflect this."

And "[The Adorable Boy] has made friends easily and is always kind and caring to others. He is also helpful and tries his best in all areas. He has impeccable manners and has been a pleasure to have in Room 2."

Imagine going to a brand-new school in a brand-new country -- especially if you tend to be on the shy side -- and finding the courage within yourself to overcome those challenges, try your best and be a caring friend and role model to your new peers. I'm just amazed by that.

Shane and I talk often about how we most want our kids to be kind, compassionate leaders who will use their talents (whatever they may be....I often feel I'm raising one CEO and one ice cream truck driver ;) to make their piece of the world a little better. And it seems we're heading in the right direction. I think the experience of living abroad will only continue to bring out the best in the Adorables, and I'm so excited to see where life takes them.

Ok, that's enough bragging for now. Time to celebrate the end of the school year for our second time this year and slap on some sunscreen for the beach time ahead! And just a reminder -- we have a guest room ready if you need to escape the snow and cold. Come on down!!

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