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NZ bucket list: Swimming in Karekare Falls

The weekend after we arrived in New Zealand, Shane took us on our first true NZ adventure.

We drove -- on the wrong side of the road, mind you -- down windy, narrow roadways through lush, green forests to a beach in the Waitakere Ranges about 30 minutes from home: Karekare.

If we were unsure before, that outing made clear: We weren't in Kansas anymore. But boy did we land someplace special.

We were blown away by the beauty of it all -- the Jurassic-esque mountains, the black-sand beach and the incredible waterfall roaring down the side of a cliff. It was amazing, and a really special day for our family. I'm sure that's when I fell in love with New Zealand, and I won't soon forget the feeling.

At the time, I vowed to come back in the summer months to swim in the waterfall. That became something of a bucket list wish that's been in the back of my mind for, oh, the last 5 months. I've waited, patiently, for summer to arrive -- and for my kids to be in the mood to make the trip.

Yesterday, my wish come true. I went swimming in Karekare Falls!!

We drove to Karekare in early afternoon and walked the 10-minute hike from the carpark to the falls. It was a gorgeous day in Auckland, blue skies and perfect temperatures, so we weren't alone in our quest to for a dip. A couple of 20-something guys, stripped down to their skivvies, were inching into the water when we got there. While the big boys whined about the water being too cold, the Adorable Boy and I undressed in a flash and made our way into the pool.

It was a bit tricky finding our footing on the slippery rocks, but about 5 feet in to the pool, the water got deep enough to swim. So we put our feet up and kicked our way over to the falls.

The water was brisk but not cold. It honestly felt so good -- and it was so clear we could see straight through to the bottom in the shallower parts of the pool. Had we been literally anywhere else in the world, I would have been worried about running into a snake on our swim, but NZ doesn't have any slithering critters (thank god!). So we were worry free.

The pool became shallow again when we reached the waterfall. We stood against the cliff, rubbing our hands over the mossy rocks and letting the water roll over our back. It was SO awesome.

Shane and the Adorable Girl, even Moses, took their turns in the pool, and I went back in a few more times to get my fill. I was seriously, giddily thrilled by the whole thing. In the picture Shane took of me (at top), I've got the biggest smile on my face. And I'm smiling now just thinking about it. I loved it!

On the way back toward the beach -- where we spent a few more hours playing -- we stopped by a smaller waterfall with a hot tub-sized pool at the top of it. The Adorable Girl and I climbed up the rocks to reach that pool, which felt warmer yet still refreshing. Shane took a turn too, though Moses and the boy sat this one out.

It was such a good day and such a special experience. I continue to feel, just, overwhelmed with gratitude for the life we're living right now. I know without doubt these are the good old days we'll smile about for the rest of our days -- and I hope they go on forever.

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