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3 more Auckland wonders: Fairy Falls, Hunua and Kitekite waterfalls

The Auckland region has more than two dozen waterfalls in its bounds, and we've managed to cross eight of them off our bucket list.

I've written about our hikes to Mokoroa and Omeru and swimming in the pools at Karekare, but I've yet to share details about three other falls we've checked out in recent months. Here's a quick look at these Auckland wonders:

Fairy Falls

This well-known waterfall in the Waitakere Ranges is the prize waiting at the end of a really nice 45-minute hike through NZ bush. Starting at Mountain Road, the path is great for little legs -- not too steep, not too long -- and crosses a few bridges and streambeds on the way. Even the Adorables enjoyed the trek with little complaint. (That's a big win for us!)

And the falls are quite beautiful. The path from the Mountain Road trailhead takes visitors to the bottom level of the falls. There's a nice flat area here that's perfect for a picnic. We took our socks and shoes off and waded into the small pool at the base. So refreshing!

A set of stairs along the rocks leads to Upper Fairy Falls. The hike up is steep and tiring, but well worth it. The upper falls are quite beautiful and offer a few additional swimming holes, which the Adorables and I had to test out, of course.

Hunua Falls

Auckland has two main mountain ranges rimming the city: the Waitakeres to the west (closest to us and where we do the majority of our exploring) and the Hunua Range to the south. Though we've spent only a little bit of time in the Hunua Range, we've found it to be a gorgeous area, noticeably different than the mountains to the west of us -- and it has quite a few treasures hiding within.

One of those gems is Hunua Falls. With a height of about 30 meters (100 feet), the falls are impressive, and they're just a short, easy walk from the carpark, making this an easy adventure for less-able explorers. While the pool at the bottom looks inviting, it's too dangerous for a swim due to its depth, frigid temps and unique environmental factors. But it's beautiful to look at. The park itself, in a lush mountain setting with a big open field, is perfect for picnicking, relaxing and practicing baseball -- which is what we did there :)


Not far from Piha Beach in the Waitakere Ranges is Kitekite Track, which leads uphill and upstream to Kitekite Falls. The trail is steep and somewhat difficult for little legs to manage (i.e., we heard a LOT of complaining on this hike). And for most of the walk, there's a steep dropoff along the edge of the trail, which means our fellow hikers heard me scolding the Adorables to "slow down" and "be careful" most of the way.

But the hike is worth it. The falls stretch 40 meters, so about 130 feet high. They're quite beautiful. Even better, a giant pool at the bottom is safe for swimming and oh so refreshing, making this a popular day-trip for Auckland families. When we explored here, the falls were packed with all kinds of people picnicking and taking a dip. It was a ton of fun!

As you can probably tell, we really love visiting and SWIMMING in the waterfalls of New Zealand. It's such a special experience. I can't wait to check out some more soon -- and I'll be sure to share when we do!

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