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First impressions from our first American visitor

Greenbean (my mom) is here! And we're beyond thrilled to spend time with her and show her around our new


We've been keeping her and her husband, Paul, busy. They've gone swimming in waterfalls, sunbathed on a black-sand beach, climbed a volcano, ate authentic NZ pies, checked out our local mall, the kids' favorite playground and a festival downtown -- and they've only been here three days!

I thought it'd be fun to share some of my mom's thoughts on our move and her first visit to New Zealand, so I made her sit down for a tell-all interview ;) Here's what she had to say:

What did you think when we first told you we were moving to New Zealand?

"Shock. I went through a range of emotions. I cried for a week and then thought, 'There's nothing I can do about it. It's their lives.' Then I thought, 'This is going to be a great adventure for them.' I also always knew where you lived (DC)was not good for you. The stress was too high. You were on a hamster wheel. I always knew you would move but I never ever dreamed Auckland."

What did you know about New Zealand before we moved here?

"Nothing really. I mean, I knew it was near Australia, it was in the Down Under way far away and they had Kiwi birds."

What was it like watching us adjust to New Zealand from so far away?

"Actually, it was OK because of the technology. One of my fears was that we would be disconnected but because of technology, I really knew a lot about what was going on. Because of the blogs, the videos and WhatsApp, I always knew what was going in your lives."

Did reading our blogs and seeing our videos make you excited to come visit? "Yes! And it made me happy for you. And then I would share them with friends, and they would all tell me how happy your family seemed. And I agreed."

When you were planning to come here to see us, what were you most excited and most nervous about?

"Most excited -- I wanted to see how you live. I wanted to see the kids' school, Shane's work, what kind of neighborhood you lived in. Secondly, I just wanted to see New Zealand and be part of your daily lives again. But my first priority was just to see how you were doing. I was most nervous about the trip itself. What to pack, the luggage, how much it weighed, going through customs. But traveling here turned out to be easier than I expected. I worried for no reason (Editors note: I told her not to worry :)

On first landing in New Zealand, what did you think?

"As the plane was coming in, we could see the mountains and the lights in the city, and we were really excited. After customs, Shane was right there and picked us up. We got a coffee and were driving home, and I thought it looked like any city. But it was beautiful. It's a beauty that you can't explain. It's like panoramic beauty. You can look to the right, look to the left, and there's beauty all around you. And the people are nice. Even in the airport, the customs people were so kind. I told the woman, 'I'm really happy to be in New Zealand. And she said, We're happy to have you.' The other thing is the warm climate. It's summer here, and we came from winter with freezing temperatures."

What did you think driving up to the house?

"We were excited! The neighborhood is beautiful. But I just couldn't wait to get out of the car and see the kids. When we pulled into the driveway, I could see them through the window, jumping up and down. And when I came into the house, they were cheering and then put on a little musical performance for me."

How did you feel after the long flight?

"The first day I was so excited to be here, I knew I should be tired but I was too excited. As the day wore on, I made myself stay up until 9 p.m. -- so we were awake for 36 hours straight -- and that seemed to work. We've tried really hard to get acclimated to New Zealand times. I feel good now, though I still feel hungry at the wrong time or tired all of a sudden. But for the most part, we've adjusted.

What have you enjoyed about your visit so far?

"I liked seeing One Tree Hill. It captures what I think New Zealand is -- the sheep, the views, the volcano, the different trees. But my favorite part has been seeing the kids, that goes without saying. I liked when they opened all their suitcases and saw their favorite American foods. We're still playing the same games and doing projects, having a water balloon fight. That part hasn't changed. I'm glad they didn't forget me ;)

So now that you've been here, what do you think about our move to New Zealand?

"I think it's been good for your family, good for the kids. It seems like a more relaxed society here, more laidback. In Washington, you were all wound up all the time. It's going to be hard for us to leave and go home to Maryland -- that will be difficult -- but I think it's more clear how good it's been for you guys. You've made a home here, and you did a good job making a home here."

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