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Spring in Auckland -- and why it's a great time to visit :)

It's a funny thing talking spring in October, but that's exactly what we're doing in New Zealand these days.

Spring has officially arrived, with a mix of beautiful, warm, sunny days and some rainy weather to keep us humble. ;) Temperatures have been creeping into shorts and t-shirt territory (no idea what that translates to in Celsius ;) and the sun is staying up closer to bedtime. Though summer (December through February) is the most popular time for overseas visitors to come (and the Kiwi summer is AMAZING!) spring is a really lovely time to visit, too.

Here's a few reasons why:

Fewer people

Most tourists come to New Zealand during our summer months, and we definitely notice the uptick in Auckland. The popular beaches (Mission Bay, Piha) have a lot more sunbathers; the city more foot traffic. We're not talking Disney-esque crowds, but this relatively quiet city gets a little more exciting come our hottest months. The government estimates a peak of 242,000 overseas visitors to the whole country on a day in late December, compared to 112,000 on a late August day. Granted the 12.7 acre Ellis Island, home of the Statue of Liberty, sees an average of 12,000 visitors every day -- so we still rank pretty low as a tourist attraction :)

A bit cheaper

While spring is considered a "shoulder" season rather than the "off" season of winter, you can still score deals on travel this time of year. Flights tend to be a bit cheaper in our winter and spring months, and attractions and tours offer discounts. My mom and her husband recently arrived for a taste of their first NZ spring, and they report saving about $1,000 on airfare compared to their trip last January. They promptly put those savings back into seat upgrades, though, so they could be a bit more comfortable on the long flight over.

Cooler temperatures

The best thing about a New Zealand summer is the beach. And the best thing about a New Zealand winter, spring and fall is the beach too :) When you're a beach girl like me, you don't mind wearing your sweats for a walk on the sand or dipping your toes in the frigid surf. It doesn't get that cold in Auckland, after all, and the sun feels good anytime of year. My mother reports the cooler temps make it a bit easier for her to keep up when we do things like climb a volcano or go for a hike in the bush. Just make sure to wear your sunscreen year round!

Watching spring sprang

Spring is actually quite pretty in Auckland, with lots tropical-ish flowers budding and blooming, cherry blossoms and flowering trees coming back to life. And best of all, it's the season of baby animals. Baby lambs and calves can be spotted all over the city, including one of our most popular tourist attractions, One Tree Hill. The little fluffy munchkins are so stinking cute and fun to watch, and you can get quite close -- well, as close as Mama Sheep will let you -- on a number of farms.

So there you have four good reasons to consider traveling to Auckland in time for springtime. And if you need four more, how about these:

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