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When an American pastime came to New Zealand

Something really cool happened a few weeks ago.

Earlier this year, New Zealand formed its very first professional baseball team, joining the Australian Baseball League. I've written before about how baseball isn't a huge sport here, but there is growing interest with clubs forming around the country. We happen to live near one of the more active clubs, West City. Our kids play -- and Shane coaches -- "Kiwi ball." It's a lot of fun and a nice weekly reminder of home.

Well two weeks ago, the new NZ professional team, the Tuataras (named after a type of reptile found only in NZ), kicked off its home season at a park right down the street from our house. It's the park where our kids practice t-ball every week, and thus our baseball club's "home" field.

A month ago, this field was mostly grass with a few line markings and a couple of backstops on either end. It doubled as a place to practice soccer, and our t-ball kids were outnumbered 3 to 1 by the Kiwi kids playing soccer nearby. But weeks ago, a professional baseball field appeared here, Field of Dreams style. Fencing, dugouts, stands, signage -- they arrived, almost like magic, just in time for the first home baseball game.

And here's where that something cool comes in.

Because it's our home field, our kids' baseball club had the chance to attend the game and walk out with the players. The Adorables and 16 of their teammates wore their West City uniforms proudly, lined up with the players and walked out with each young man as his name and position was called. It was the coolest, cutest thing I've seen in a long time. And of course, Shane -- the biggest baseball fan I know -- was pinching himself over the whole experience. :)

I made a little video about the day (with my phone; I didn't think to grab my actual video camera on our rush to get to the field in time :)

So here's a glimpse of the day professional baseball came to New Zealand -- and four lucky Americans had the chance to welcome it.

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